Monday, November 19, 2012


I feel that after reading through many of my old entries, seeing how I've grown, lived, and developed, one trend stands out the most: I always end up posting sometime in Thanksgiving. And I've come to realize that blogging in and of itself is more of a way to express oneself through the internet, being part of the blogosphere, even if the only person who will read your posts is, well, you.

I like that feeling.

On the other hand, I've been in bands, loved my friends, hosted parties, met new people, made new friends, played video games, and of course played more Warhammer 40,000. 6th edition really is a great edition, hearkening thoughts of 4th and realism, or at least what can pass for realism in a fantasy game.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Well, I've finished my undergraduate education and I feel like I should start blogging once more. This time, it'll be a bit different, if only because I haven't had the time to devote to 40k like I used to. Not to mention, I'll be starting my research for my Ph.D in the Fall. So, here's to more posts!

Friday, April 09, 2010

Just breathe...or play.

So I've caught a break from school work and other related activities.

It seems that I'm overwhelmed at times, but don't we all feel that way?

This past Monday, my jazz combo, Shades of Gold, played for a "premium dinner night" in the classier dining area on campus. Honestly, it was a lot of fun and it was the second time we've played there.

Yesterday (Thursday), Campus Grounds, the student run coffee shop, hosted their first "jam session," inviting any musicians to go and play. I grabbed one of our drummers, our trumpet, and our trombone player to go and play from 8 - 10 pm. Even though there was a torrential downpour outside, I was able to get my amp and upright bass to the shop.

For 2 hours, the 4 of us along with a guitar/mandolin player and a saxophone just jammed. Either myself or the guitar would start playing something, drums would jump in for a feel, we'd yell out the chord progression, and just play. It was surreal and probably one of the best nights I've had in a long time.

Friday, March 12, 2010


I always hate writing music.

If I'm given something to work off of, I can write bass lines like no other. It just flows.

The whole starting a new work is what gets me. Especially if I'm trying to write the guitar parts when I'm not a guitar player.

: s

Also, we officially changed part of our name from Suns to Czuns.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Well, this is new.

I haven't posted in a long time. Sorry about that.
So what is new in my life?
First off, I'm exercising more and trying to write more often, hence this post. Let's make this informal and list off some things that have been happening to me:
Grades are good, except for one class, but I can bring them all up easily.
Band is going great, we have our wind ensemble concert on Monday and I have a small jazz gig on Tuesday. Our men's and women's basketball teams are both doing really well this season and are going to the ACC tournament over spring break. If they win and get seeded for NCAA tourny, I'll be traveling with them and playing bass.

On a side note, I switched to DR Highbeam strings for my 4 string. Just changed them back to my Elixirs and realized how much better coated strings sound. Lot less fret buzz and a better blend of sound for a band setting. For metal, well, they get by. I CAN get a gnarly tone from them, but it takes a while.

I wonder what JB's doing...

Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Jazz band has been going great. I'm playing both my 4 string and my electric upright, for different songs. Besides this, I'm playing bass for pep band (read: basketball games). And we've finally gotten around to playing death metal, so my 6-string is being used as well. Also, I'm in wind ensemble playing bari sax.

To top it off, we're re-colonizing Kappa Kappa Psi here at WFU. National Band Service Fraternity.

Is part of my

Monday, January 18, 2010


School sucks and I need to blog more. I already have a paper due this Thursday (exactly week from the first day of class). Hurray Work Forest.